While no one would confuse "McCartney" as a Hebrew name, Sir Paul does seem to have a thing for nice Jewish girls. His first wife, Linda, was a member of the tribe, and apparently Macca had talked about converting after marrying her, but "never got around to it." After a brief stint with shiksa Heather Mills, McCartney has once again fallen for a Jew, current MTA board member Nancy Shevell, whom he married last month. And this time, he's being a real mensch.
National Enquirer is reporting that Macca, who was baptized as a Roman Catholic but was "admittedly never very devout," promised Shevell that he'll convert to Judaism, as she takes religion rather seriously. The two reportedly spent the night before their wedding at Yom Kippur services, and McCartney apparently told his friends he'll be completing his conversion studies next year. Mazel tov, you crazy kids! Let's hope Shevell doesn't turn out to be a real Lady Meshugganah. Remember: All you need is l'chaim.