Thursday, December 29, 2011
Obama’s Iran Promises: Security or Votes? � Commentary Magazine
Obama’s pledges to Israel lack credibility for a number of reasons.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
U.S., Israel Discuss Triggers for Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Infrastructure - The Daily Beast
Monday, October 31, 2011
Got To Get Jew Into My Life: Is Paul McCartney Converting For Nancy Shevell?: Gothamist
While no one would confuse "McCartney" as a Hebrew name, Sir Paul does seem to have a thing for nice Jewish girls. His first wife, Linda, was a member of the tribe, and apparently Macca had talked about converting after marrying her, but "never got around to it." After a brief stint with shiksa Heather Mills, McCartney has once again fallen for a Jew, current MTA board member Nancy Shevell, whom he married last month. And this time, he's being a real mensch.
National Enquirer is reporting that Macca, who was baptized as a Roman Catholic but was "admittedly never very devout," promised Shevell that he'll convert to Judaism, as she takes religion rather seriously. The two reportedly spent the night before their wedding at Yom Kippur services, and McCartney apparently told his friends he'll be completing his conversion studies next year. Mazel tov, you crazy kids! Let's hope Shevell doesn't turn out to be a real Lady Meshugganah. Remember: All you need is l'chaim.Thursday, October 27, 2011
Guide for the Perplexed | FrontPage Magazine
So, purely as a public service, I have organized the following glossary of the most pertinent terms and expressions, as typically used in the above-mentioned news sources. I hope, insha’allah, the reader will find it helpful to unravel the Gordian Knot of language that is today’s (and yesterday’s and tomorrow’s) Middle East!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
IDF sets up Magic Wand Unit - Israel News, Ynetnews
After the deployment of the Iron Dome missile defense system, which has provided southern Israel with limited yet efficient protection from Qassam and Grad missiles, the defense establishment is forging ahead with developing the Magic Wand system, designed to thwart mid and long-rage missiles.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Personal info of 9 million Israelis stolen, available online
Monday, October 17, 2011
San Diego Reader | Hidden Pipeline, Secret Menace?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Missing Libya Missiles Find Their Way to Gaza Border - ABC News
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Egypt: Planes patrol Sinai without Israel's consent - Israel News, Ynetnews
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Computer virus hits US Predator and Reaper drone fleet
Friday, October 7, 2011
Israel to Assad: We Will Bomb Gaza, Whole of Lebanon if Tel Aviv Attacked - Naharnet
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Gaza and Gas | FrontPage Magazine
Last week, it appeared Turkey was going to make good on its threats to stop a joint Israeli-Greek Cypriot venture to explore for natural gas in Greek Cypriot waters and at the same time, militarily challenge Israel’s presence in the Eastern Mediterranean. But as the Texas-based Noble Energy company moved a rig from Israeli waters into position off of Greek Cyprus’ south-eastern coast to begin drilling, Turkish naval vessels and warplanes limited their actions to shadowing the transfer operation, keeping outside of Greek Cypriot waters and airspace. Turkey now appears resigned, at least for the moment, to halting the project through the offices of the United Nations (UN).
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Showdown in Cyprus | FrontPage Magazine
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Note to Erdogan: Nobody Likes the Turks � Commentary Magazine
Greece: Wall to be built along Turkish b... JPost - International
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Swelling list of demands fuels Israel protests -
Last Saturday, more than 250,000 Israelis took to the street to call for social reform. Tent cities have sprung up across the country, drawing in an ever-expanding cast of protesters – from students to pensioners, and Holocaust survivors to taxi drivers."
Sunday, July 31, 2011
World's first 'printed' airplane takes to the skies | ZDNet
Once all the components were printed, assembly took minutes, say the engineers. No fasteners were used and all equipment was attached using ’snap fit’ techniques so that the entire aircraft can be put together without tools."
The future of the black box flight recorder explored (Wired UK)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sinai: From Buffer to Badlands | FrontPage Magazine
Friday, July 22, 2011
Get a Free Snapshot of Your Car's Health - Popular Mechanics Reader Special - Popular Mechanics
CarMD, the company that sells the inexpensive diagnostic tool by the same name, has amassed huge database of auto repair information. That info comes from two main sources: the hundreds of thousands of CarMD tools that customers have hooked up to the Internet looking for answers for why their 'check engine' light is on, and from thousands of professional mechanics CarMD keeps on retainer to provide those answers"
6 False Lessons Of The Space Shuttle - Atlantis Final Flight - Popular Mechanics
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Korean-Talmud Love Affair - - News - Israel National News
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Greeks stop another Gaza-bound ship - Israel News, Ynetnews
Friday, June 17, 2011
U.S., EU Seek to Revive Mideast Peace Talks -
Such a vote would have only limited legal implications for the Palestinians, according to Western and Arab diplomats, and would likely pass by a wide margin. But there are concerns a yes vote could raise expectations among Palestinians, hopes that might quickly succumb to violent discontent among Arab groups if the actual creation of an independent state remains elusive."
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
State TV: Greek Socialists in power-sharing talks - Yahoo! News
Sunday, June 12, 2011
White House Insider: Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting: "What the F-ck was that?" | Newsflavor
Sunday, June 5, 2011
“Tsunami of September” | FrontPage Magazine
The Israeli Defense Minister is warning of the “tsunami of September” when the U.N. will vote on recognizing an independent Palestine. Spain will recognize a Palestinian state even before then. International pressure against Israel is ratcheting up, and at the same time, Fatah has buried the hatchet with Hamas and seeks to do the same with Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Dozens of countries support recognizing an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, including Russia, China, India, South Africa and the countries of the Arab League. Most of South America has already formally recognized a Palestinian state, and now Spain intends to join them before the September vote at the U.N. takes place. If a member of the U.N. Security Council blocks the recognition of a Palestinian state, there will be an international uproar. It is very possible that a stream of countries will follow in Spain’s footsteps and independently recognize a Palestinian state. This may encourage the Palestinians to unilaterally declare statehood, setting the stage for war.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Dispute Grows as Egyptian Gas Doesn’t Flow to Israel -
In Israel, which depends on Egypt for 40 percent of its natural gas, the electric company has warned that customer rates could rise by 15 percent. Officials in the Israeli company that co-owns the gas line say the Egyptian government is afraid of popular opposition to Israel and the perception that Israel has had a sweetheart deal.
Dispute Grows as Egyptian Gas Doesn’t Flow to Israel -
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
US: Hezbollah has more missiles than most states - Israel News, Ynetnews
Egypt's anti-Israel turn | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
The current military-led Egyptian government is already shifting to a more anti-Israel posture, announcing today that it would permenantly reopen its border with Gaza. The move puts Israeli civilians at greater risk by undermining the blockade on Gaza and making it significantly easier for the terrorist group Hamas to import weapons.
During the Egyptian uprising, there was a big debate on the right about what a new government would mean. In the wake of today's news, it's time to reconsider the myth that neoconservatives are primarily concerned with Israeli interests. In the case of Egypt, they cheered on protesters who put a new government in place that is already aiding Hamas and threatening Israel's national security.
Egypt's anti-Israel turn | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Stephens: An Anti-Israel President -
Such a vision could lay the groundwork for peace. What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war, one that he will pursue in a second term. Assuming, of course, that he gets one."
Friday, May 20, 2011
What Netanyahu Did Today � Commentary Magazine
Has there ever been a moment like the one Benjamin Netanyahu had today following his meeting with President Obama? I can’t think of one. When has a president ever made a joint appearance with the leader of an ally in the wake of a controversial policy proposal, only to have that ally push back against him publicly? Netanyahu’s powerful—and surprisingly graceful, considering the context—remarks can be read in full here. The only moment that even remotely compares wasn’t a diplomatic one; it was when Elie Wiesel, during the dustup over Ronald Reagan’s visit to the Bitburg cemetary in West Germany in 1985, was given a Medal of Freedom and with beautiful understatement said to the president, “This place is not your place.” We got a glimpse of the Bibi that so electrified the world in the late 1980s and early 1990s when he was serving as Israel’s chief spokesman in the English language in this stunning passage:
We’ve been around for almost 4,000 years. We have experienced struggle and suffering like no other people. We’ve gone through expulsions and pogroms and massacres and the murder of millions.
But I can say that even at the dearth of — even at the nadir of the valley of death, we never lost hope and we never lost our dream of re-establishing a sovereign state in our ancient homeland, the land of Israel. And now it falls on my shoulders as the prime minister of Israel at a time of extraordinary instability and uncertainty in the Middle East to work with you to fashion a peace that will ensure Israel’s security and will not jeopardize its survival.
I take this responsibility with pride but with great humility, because, as I told you in our conversation, we don’t have a lot of margin for error and because, Mr. President, history will not give the Jewish people another chance.
It was very nervy of Bibi, and certainly opens him up to the charge of being chutzpahdik with Israel’s greatest ally. But what exactly did he have to lose? He faces a hostile president, but one who governs a country overwhelmingly supportive of Israel. Could things get worse with Obama than they were last year? And could things get better for Netanyahu if Obama finds he is paying a price for being at odds with the American people on one of the few foreign policy issues they care about?
Power Line - Friends and enemies
He said Israel has to concede its right to defensible borders as a precondition for negotiations;
He didn't say he opposes the Palestinian demand for open immigration of millions of foreign Arabs into Israel;
He again ignored Bush's 2004 letter to Sharon opposing a return to the 1949 armistice lines, supporting the large settlements, defensible borders and opposing mass Arab immigration into Israel;
He said he was leaving Jerusalem out but actually brought it in by calling for an Israeli retreat to the 1949 lines;
He called for Israel to be cut in two when he called for the Palestinians state to be contiguous;
He called for Israel to withdraw from the Jordan Valley - without which it is powerless against invasion - by saying that the Palestinian State will have an international border with Jordan.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Drawing Three Conclusions from the Latest Mideast Violence - By Caroline Glick - The Corner - National Review Online
I think the violence that broke out this weekend on the Syria–Israel border is a clear indication that the revolutions in the Arab world are engendering more rather than less radicalism and instability in the region. I think they show that another Arab war against Israel is more likely now than at any time in the last 25 years, as Egypt, Syria and other countries reassess their options and come to the conclusion that war and other aggression against Israel serve their interests today in a way they didn’t in the past.
I think Israel’s response was weak and that Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who consistently fails to understand the nature of the gathering threats, should be fired.
And I think the Obama administration, which has thrown Israel under the bus in its efforts to appease the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria’s Assad, the Palestinians, and the nuclear-bomb-building Iranian ayatollahs, has contributed massively to the precarious destabilization of the region.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Athens Mulls Plans for New Currency: Greece Considers Exit from Euro Zone - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Monday, May 2, 2011 - The Secret Team That Killed bin Laden - Monday, May 2, 2011
After bursts of fire over 40 minutes, 22 people were killed or captured. One of the dead was Osama bin Laden, done in by a double tap -- boom, boom -- to the left side of his face. His body was aboard the choppers that made the trip back. One had experienced mechanical failure and was destroyed by U.S. forces, military and White House officials tell National Journal.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Meet Keratea: Greece's War Zone | zero hedge
One of the more interesting "war zones" that most have never heard of is not in North Africe, nor in the Middle East, but in Greece. Meet Keratea, a small city of 15,000 people located close to Athens, where after over 100 days of struggle between authorities and the broder population, the riot police has officially decided to abdicate the city to its fate in what is the first popular mini-revolution in the developed world.
As unemployment rises and austerity bites ever harder, tempers seem to fray faster in Greece, with citizens of all stripes thumbing their noses at authority. Some refuse to pay increased highway tolls and public transport tickets. There has been a rise in politicians being heckled and even assaulted. Yesterday, in Thessalonika, scores of activists were arrested after violent clashes with police." Meet the new and improved face of austerity: now in a small town in Greece, which is about to default all over again, and soon in many other places in the increasingly more insolvent European periphery.
The PLO’s game plan revealed: Why the Hamas/Fatah agreement is a sham | NewsReal Blog
Fatah and Hamas hate each other and have no desire to cede their respective power. They will keep things together just long enough for September and their hoped-for international recognition. This is exactly what they have done in the past.
And here is how the PA is planning to incorporate Hamas while pretending that “Palestine” accepts Israel’s right to exist:
Tirawi dismissed concerns voiced over the possibility that a future Palestinian government with Hamas in it will refuse to negotiate with Israel, saying that the Palestinian government will have “no say” in such peace talks, since “the only body allowed to negotiate with Israel on behalf of the Palestinian people is the PLO.”
So this is the game:
The PLO is the party that negotiates with Israel, and the party that officially recognizes Israel.
The PA is only responsible for governing the Arabs in the territories, not with any foreign relations.
The PA, despite claims of being democratic, reports to the PLO.
The fake Hamas/Fatah reconciliation is meant to only address the PA, not the PLO. They won’t hold any elections until after September, if ever.
So the PLO will claim to still recognize Israel and be peaceful, as it will claim that from its perspective nothing has changed.
The instant that Palestine is declared a state that is recognized by the world, in part because of these assurances that it is a peaceful state that recognizes Israel, Hamas and Fatah (and all the other terrorist parties that decide to join the government) will immediately take over the PLO’s foreign affairs, as that is what nations do. The PLO’s foreign affairs role will be superseded by “Palestine.”
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Who's fixing that airplane while you're getting groped? | Barbara Hollingsworth | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
Every airline passenger knows the drill. Take off your jacket, shoes, watch and jewelry, cram your belongings into a plastic bin and stand in a long security line before meekly submitting to a naked scan or groping by latex-gloved agents of the Transportation Security Administration. Enduring such indignities, we’re repeatedly told, is the price we must pay for safety in the skies.
Yet there’s a very good chance that the mechanics who worked on the plane you’re just about to board weren’t patted down or fingerprinted. They might not have passed a background, drug or alcohol test. In fact, they might not even have a Federal Aviation Administration-approved license.
With the exception of American Airlines, which performs most of its fleet maintenance in the U.S., most of the major U.S.-based carriers outsource maintenance to places like China, El Salvador, Mexico, Chile and the Philippines, where security ranges from lax to nonexistent. The danger of this widespread industry practice was highlighted in an April 6 report by the Transport Workers of America, Air Transport Division, which pointed out that “At least one member of Al Qaeda was found working at a major maintenance facility in Singapore in 2003. The faulty procedures that allowed this lapse in security have not been addressed.”
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Ultimate Ally - By Michael Oren | Foreign Policy
Israel not only enhances America's defenses -- it also saves American lives. A kibbutz-based company in the Galilee has provided armor for more than 20,000 U.S. military vehicles. "Two days ago, my patrol was ambushed by insurgents using 7.62mm PKM Machineguns," David C. Cox, a platoon sergeant in Iraq, wrote the manufacturers. "None of the rounds penetrated the armor of the vehicle, including one that would have impacted with my head." Marine gunner Joshua Smith, whose Israeli-armored vehicle tripped an IED near Marja, Afghanistan, described how his unit "walked away smiling, laughing, and lived to fight another day." Military medical experts from both countries also meet annually to discuss advances in combat care. One such breakthrough was a coagulating bandage, the brainchild of a Jerusalem start-up company, a million of which have been supplied to U.S. forces (and even applied by a Tucson SWAT team medic to stanch the life-threatening head wound of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords).
Monday, April 25, 2011
Air France Flight 447 - Remus 6000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Popular Mechanics
To narrow the search, the Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la Sécurité de l'Aviation Civile (BEA) called upon oceanographic experts from 11 institutes around the world to assess where the wreckage most likely lay, based on ocean currents and on the final position that the plane's navigation computer had automatically broadcast. Those experts produced a 750-square-mile search area about 50 miles north of the plane's last known position.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Closing Velocity: HISTORIC: Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense Intercepts Gaza Rockets
Iron Dome's success Thursday marks the first time in world history short-range rockets were ever intercepted."
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Israel’s Blessing | FrontPage Magazine
Despite the world of troubles facing Israel, a miraculous resource discovery has come to the land.
President Obama has dissed Israel, the UN is no friend, and the nations surrounded Israel are hostile. It took Moses 40 years to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the only land in the Middle East without oil—long a source of wry humor. But Israel, at last, has been granted an almost miraculous blessing.
First, in 2009, Israel announced the discovery of a major natural gas field off its coast in the Tamar region. Then at the end of last December, an immense natural gas discovery was confirmed in the Eastern Mediterranean within Israel’s territorial waters. It has the potential for making Israel a major energy exporter over the next decade while providing the country with possibly 200 years of natural gas. This could negate Israel’s plans to buy natural gas from Russia.
Noble Energy, Inc., a Houston-based company, made the discovery. It said drilling tests in its Leviathon field confirmed it was the world’s largest offshore gas find in the past decade and “easily the largest exploration discovery in our history,” said Charles Davidson, CEO of Noble, which has a controlling interest in the field. Leviathon is nearly twice the size of the Tamar field, also off the coast, discovered by Noble and its partners in 2009. The Leviathon discovery confirmed geologic models of the basin and “validates it contains significant natural gas resources,” Noble said. Chairman Gideon Tadmor of a partner company, Delek Drilling, said the field is “the largest gas discovery in deep water in the past decade. The field covers about 125 square miles, a story in Bloomberg News reported. The field could yield as much as 21.1 trillion cubic feet of gas, an independent engineering firm calculated, Energy-pedia news reported March 29.
Monday, April 4, 2011
ElBaradei: We'll fight back if Israel attacks Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews
Fukushima on the Med? � Commentary Magazine
If a disaster occurred in Japan, if it is likely in Iran, why not have Turkey make the same mistake for a third time? “We are now counting the months, even weeks, before we start our project with Russia for the nuclear plant at Akkuyu [in Mersin, on the Mediterranean],” Erdogan told reporters last month."
Sunday, April 3, 2011
U.N. Vote on Palestinian State Could Force Israel's Hand -
JERUSALEM — With revolutionary fervor sweeping the Middle East, Israel is under mounting pressure to make a far-reaching offer to the Palestinians or face a United Nations vote welcoming the State of Palestine as a member whose territory includes all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
The Palestinian Authority has been steadily building support for such a resolution in September, a move that could place Israel into a diplomatic vise. Israel would be occupying land belonging to a fellow United Nations member, land it has controlled and settled for more than four decades and some of which it expects to keep in any two-state solution.
U.N. Vote on Palestinian State Could Force Israel's Hand -
Friday, April 1, 2011
Israel, The Third Nation on the Moon? - Daniel Freedman - Freed Thinking - Forbes
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sky News: Take Obama's Peace Prize
Bolivian President Evo Morales has called for US President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize to be revoked following his decision to attack Libya.
'Two years ago we heard that President Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, but is he defending peace in the world now, or isn't he instead fomenting violence?' Morales told reporters, days after Obama ordered the bombing of Libya military targets as part of an UN-approved effort to protect civilians.
'How is it possible to give the Nobel Peace Prize to someone who has launched an invasion, a bombing? It's a violation, an assault, an aggression,' said Morales, one of Latin America's most left-leaning leaders and a vocal critic of the United States.
'Obama is the leader of group of thugs who led an assault and an invasion - and that has nothing to do with defending human rights,' he declared.
The Libyan Kinetic Military Action � Commentary Magazine
Q But it’s not going to war, then?
MR. RHODES: "Well, again, I think what we are doing is enforcing a resolution that has a very clear set of goals, which is protecting the Libyan people, averting a humanitarian crisis, and setting up a no-fly zone. Obviously that involves kinetic military action, particularly on the front end."
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Sleeping Controller Possibility Probed After U.S. Landings - Bloomberg
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Power Line - His Royal Highness Will Be Pleased to Welcome Your Support!
Questions about our military action in Libya, and in particular why President Obama did not seek Congressional support for it, are reverberating around the capital. Congressmen and Senators across the political spectrum are complaining about the administration's handling of the crisis. In particular, the fact that Obama sought the approval of the United Nations, but not Congress, has made many in the latter institution unhappy.
Power Line - His Royal Highness Will Be Pleased to Welcome Your Support!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sarah Palin Meets With Prime Minister Netanyahu (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
In this handout image provided by the Israeli Government Press Office, Governor Sarah Palin and her husband Todd Palin meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara Netanyahu March 21, 2011 in Jerusalem, Israel.
Sarah Palin Meets With Prime Minister Netanyahu (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Report: U.S. considering strategic outreach to Hezbollah - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Calls for Airstrikes on Israel « Commentary Magazine
After assuring both Libyans and Turks that Turkey was not involved in airstrikes on Libya, Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç, of Turkey, said, “We wish that the United Nations had made such resolutions and countries had taken action in the face of incidents in Gaza, Palestine and the other regions.” While Namik Tan, Turkey’s ambassador to the United States, tries to assure Jewish groups that his government really isn’t anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, someone might want to ask him why his boss is calling for airstrikes on the Jewish state?
And perhaps Senators Levin and McCain on the Senate Armed Service Committee might finally want to ask some tough questions about why the United States plans to give Turkey the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter replete with its stealth technology?
Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Calls for Airstrikes on Israel « Commentary Magazine
Saturday, March 19, 2011
RealClearScience - Putting Chernobyl in Perspective
In 2006, 20 years after the accident, a group of eight UN agencies, including the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization, assessed the damage in a study incorporating the work of hundreds of scientists and health experts from around the world.
It turns out that two decades after the fact, the death toll had not reached the tens of thousands that were predicted. In fact, fewer than 50 deaths could be directly attributable to radiation from the disaster, almost all of them among rescue workers who had been exposed to massive amounts of radiation on the disaster site at the time of the fire and its immediate aftermath. In addition, nine children in the area died of thyroid cancer that is thought to have been caused by radioactive contamination, but even among the nearby population, there was neither evidence of decreased fertility nor of congenital malformations that could be attributed to radiation exposure.
Any loss of life, particularly among children, is tragic. But clearly the mass causalities that were almost universally predicted – not just by the newshounds, but by the many “experts” who commented at the time – have not materialized. “By and large,” the report concludes, “we have not found profound negative health impacts to the rest of the population in surrounding areas, nor have we found widespread contamination that would continue to pose a substantial threat to human health…”
It is worth putting even the UN’s low casualty figures in perspective. As the report notes, over 1,000 onsite reactor staff and emergency workers received heavy exposure to high levels of radiation on the first day of the accident, and some 200,000 workers were exposed in recovery operations from 1986-1987. But only 50 had died of cancer 20 years later.
RealClearScience - Putting Chernobyl in Perspective
There’s no doubt that the scale of the accident was unequalled, either before, or so far in Japan, since. The Soviet-style nuclear reactor had been built without a containment structure, and when the graphite moderator components caught fire, they spewed more than 400 times more radioactivity into the environment than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Supersonic Cruise Missiles Coming to the Med � Theoptimisticconservative's Blog
That’s certainly possible – in fact, likely – although at this point not independently confirmed. What is confirmed, however, is that Russia reasserted last week her determination to provide the P-800 Yakhont (SS-N-26) anti-ship cruise missile to Syria. Assuming the missile does come to Syria, it will mark the first deployment of any missile of this kind in a Mediterranean nation.
The Yakhont is a supersonic (up to 2.5 Mach) cruise missile, a variety in which Russia has paced the world. None of the NATO navies deploys a supersonic anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM). Russia and China have supersonic ASCMs in their active forces; Iran has the older SS-N-22 Sunburn, acquired in the last decade. (The Iranian frigate in the Med is not equipped with the Sunburn, however.) India tested a supersonic BrahMos missile, developed jointly with Russia, in March 2010.
Asia has thus seen much more active and urgent development of supersonic cruise missile technology than Europe or North America. The Yakhont is also a relatively long-range ASCM, capable of reaching targets up to 185 statute miles (300km) away using a high-altitude approach. With the stealthier low-altitude, sea-skimming approach, the Yakhont’s range is around 75 miles, or 120km. (In seafaring terms, the ranges are between 60 and 180 nautical miles.) In all cases, the Yakhont can be launched well beyond line of sight.
Power Line - The car from Atlas Shrugged motors
Michaels briefly recaps the well-known consumer fraud in which GM has touted the Volt as an all-electric mass production vehicle on the supposed basis of which its sales receive a $7,500 taxpayer subsidy, which still renders it overpriced and unmarketable. Michaels notest that "sales are anemic: 326 in December, 321 in January, and 281 in February." There seems to be a trend here.
Michaels adds that GM has announced a production run of 100,000 in the first two years and asks what appears to be a rhetorical question: "Who is going to buy all these cars?"
But wait! Keep hope alive! There is a positive answer to the question. Jeffrey Immelt's GE will buy a boatload of those uneconomic GM cars. Here the case study opens onto the inevitable politcal angle:
Recently, President Obama selected General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to chair his Economic Advisory Board. GE is awash in windmills waiting to be subsidized so they can provide unreliable, expensive power.
Consequently, and soon after his appointment, Immelt announced that GE will buy 50,000 Volts in the next two years, or half the total produced. Assuming the corporation qualifies for the same tax credit, we (you and me) just shelled out $375,000,000 to a company to buy cars that no one else wants so that GM will not tank and produce even more cars that no one wants. And this guy is the chair of Obama's Economic Advisory Board?
Israel vs. the “Axis of Terror” | FrontPage Magazine
Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich speculated that this incident was tied to last month’s passage of two Iranian warships through the Suez Canal for the first time since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The Victoria, which set sail from the Syrian port of Lattakai and then stopped in Mersin, Turkey, was bound for Alexandria, Egypt. From there the weapons were to be transported to Gaza by land. The Jerusalem Post notes that Lattakai was the same port visited last month by the two Iranian warships. Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel had been tracking the ship for days, and that the goal of this smuggling attempt “was to harm Israel’s security” and that his country would continue to pursue any challenge to that security “determinedly, and everywhere, to defend the country.”
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Anti-terror measures make toilets the most dangerous place on planes, unions say | Mail Online
New anti-terrorist measures have made toilets the most dangerous place on passenger planes, trade unions warned today.
From next week Air France will remove all oxygen cannisters from WCs on all A320 aircraft and three Airbus A340s because of fears that they can be turned into bombs.
Anti-terror measures make toilets the most dangerous place on planes, unions say | Mail Online
Nuclear Disaster in Japan - Reason Magazine
Could it happen here? Although earthquakes can and do occur all over the United States, the West Coast and Alaska are the most seismically active regions. The facilities whose physical locations most closely resemble that of the Fukushima plants are two nuclear generating plants built on the coast of California, the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The two reactors at the Diablo Canyon began operation in the mid-1980s and are built to withstand 7.5-magnitude earthquakes on the Richter scale. The reactors are located 85 feet above the coast. A recent analysis downgraded the most likely earthquake in the area to about half that.
The two reactors at San Onofre began operations in 1968 and are built to withstand a magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Seismic analysis indicates that the largest likely earthquake near that facility would register a 6.5 magnitude. The San Onofre reactors are enclosed by a 30-foot high tsunami wall. It should be noted that nearby Newport Beach experienced a 12-meter tsunami surge (39 feet) in 1934. The Sendai surge may have been about 33 feet in height.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
U.S.-trained forces arrested in brutal jihad murder of Jewish family in Israel - Jihad Watch
JERUSALEM – Two members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' official security forces were arrested in conjunction with this past weekend's bloody massacre in which five family members were brutally stabbed to death inside their home in the Jewish village of Itamar, WND has learned.
U.S.-trained forces arrested in brutal jihad murder of Jewish family in Israel - Jihad Watch
Israel Seizes Syrian Ship Bringing Iranian Weapons To Gaza — Will Nukes Be Next? | NewsReal Blog
Early Tuesday morning (Israel Time), IDF fighters boarded the cargo ship Victoria at sea, then 200 miles out from Israel. The Victoria is a German-owned vessel, operated by a French company, and flying the Liberian flag. The commando unit executing this raid was Shayetet 13. This is the commando unit that was involved in the Mavi Marmara raid last year. That was the terrorist-carrying ship which created an international incident when it tried to run the Israeli blockade of Gaza. (AKA the Guerilla Floatilla).![]()
Israel Seizes Syrian Ship Bringing Iranian Weapons To Gaza — Will Nukes Be Next? | NewsReal Blog
An Austrian MP Tells the Turkish Ambassador to Take a Hike | NewsReal Blog
Mr. Federal Minister, I want to make a request—and knowing that this debate will be followed closely at the Turkish Embassy, I will give it in the exact wording:
The federal minister for European and International Affairs is requested to declare the Turkish ambassador Kadri Ecvet Tezcan, ‘persona non grata’ and demand his immediate dismissal. Gentlemen of the Turkish embassy, I am not gonna be as polite as my colleague van der Bellen, falling on my knees speaking of your “excellency.” No, ‘gentlemen’ of the Turkish embassy—there are no ladies there… ‘Gentlemen’ of the Turkish embassy, members of Parliament, let me begin with a murder case.
An Austrian MP Tells the Turkish Ambassador to Take a Hike | NewsReal Blog
Monday, March 14, 2011
Fukushima Nuclear Accident – a simple and accurate explanation � BraveNewClimate
I have been reading every news release on the incident since the earthquake. There has not been one single (!) report that was accurate and free of errors (and part of that problem is also a weakness in the Japanese crisis communication). By “not free of errors” I do not refer to tendentious anti-nuclear journalism – that is quite normal these days. By “not free of errors” I mean blatant errors regarding physics and natural law, as well as gross misinterpretation of facts, due to an obvious lack of fundamental and basic understanding of the way nuclear reactors are build and operated. I have read a 3 page report on CNN where every single paragraph contained an error.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Earth's day length shortened by Japan earthquake - CBS News
The massive earthquake that struck northeast Japan Friday (March 11) has shortened the length Earth's day by a fraction and shifted how the planet's mass is distributed.
A new analysis of the 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Japan has found that the intense temblor has accelerated Earth's spin, shortening the length of the 24-hour day by 1.8 microseconds, according to geophysicist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif."
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Quake moved Japan coast 8 feet; shifted Earth's axis -
The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.
"At this point, we know that one GPS station moved (8 feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a large area is consistent with about that much shift of the land mass," said Kenneth Hudnut, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Reports from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy estimated the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches (10 centimeters).
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Israel’s Defense Minister Must Go. Now. � Commentary Magazine
In an interview in today’s Wall Street Journal, Ehud Barak announced that Israel might ask Washington for another $20 billion in aid due to the unrest now sweeping the region. As an Israeli, I’m cringing in shame."
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Nyiragongo Crater: Journey to the Center of the World - The Big Picture -
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Air Force's X-37B Space Plane Launching on Secret Mission | Space Weapons & Military Space | X-37B Space Plane, Robotic Spaceships & Space Technology |
The robotic X-37B mini-shuttle is slated to lift off from Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Friday atop an Atlas 5 rocket, weather permitting. Its launch window opens at 3:39 p.m. EST (2039 GMT), according to the launch provider United Launch Alliance, which is overseeing the flight."
Portraits of the Peace Process in Its 92nd Year � Commentary Magazine
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Israeli Trophy Technology May Prove of Great Value to U.S. � Commentary Magazine
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
There Are Shocking Images Coming Out of Greece | The Blaze
Protesters have once again taken to the streets in Greece today. And once again, the marches have turned violent as rioters are hurling firebombs at police. And the Associated Press reports many of them are wielding communist flags.
During one firebomb attack, rioters hit a police officer directly, engulfing him in flames:
Two million Egyptians in Tahrir Square chant "To Jerusalem we are heading, martyrs in the millions" - Jihad Watch
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sadat’s ‘Cold Peace’ Legacy Is at Increasing Risk � Commentary Magazine
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council - By Colum Lynch | Turtle Bay
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Ugly Side of Egyptian Political Culture � Commentary Magazine
Key military, intelligence assets imperiled in Egypt - Washington Times
The U.S. armed forces are entwined with Egypt's military more than with any other Arab country’s. But if Islamists seize Cairo, as the mullahs captured Tehran, this complex relationship unravels.
“Let me count the ways,” said Ken Allard, a retired Army colonel and military analyst. “They are our biggest strategic partner in the Middle East. At that point, you’ve lost your biggest Arab partner. Geostrategically, the mind boggles.”"
Monday, January 31, 2011
Palestinians shell western Negev with Grads, mortar attacks
The relative calm in the South was shattered on Monday night when Palestinians in Gaza fired a barrage of powerful Grad rockets and mortar shells at the western Negev.
One Grad-type rocket fired from Gaza smashed into the town of Ofakim and a second rocket slammed into Netivot, not far from a building where a wedding celebration was taking place.
Red Color - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The system currently operates in a number of southern Israeli cities within range of missiles fired from the Gaza Strip, including Ashkelon and Sderot. When the signature of a rocket launch is detected originating in Gaza, the system automatically activates the public broadcast warning system in nearby Israeli communities and military bases. A two-tone electronic audio alert (with a pattern of high, 2 second pause, high-low) is broadcast twice, followed by a recorded female voice [2] intoning the Hebrew words for Red Color ('Tzeva Adom').[3] The entire program is repeated until all rockets have impacted and no further launches are detected. In Sderot, it gives residents approximately 15 seconds' warning of an incoming missile.[3]"
Commentary � Blog Archive � The Slap Heard Round the World
On December 17, 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi, a university graduate whose fruits-and-vegetables market stand was confiscated by police because it had no permit, tried to yank back his apples. He was slapped in the face by a female municipal inspector and eventually beaten by her colleagues. His later appeals were ignored. Humiliated, he drenched himself in paint thinner and set himself on fire. He died on January 4."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Commentary � Blog Archive � Rep. Allan West Talking Sense on PLO Flag
“By allowing this flag to be flown, the United States is extending a diplomatic right that we refrain from offering to even our own allies, like Taiwan,” said West. “This action is a diplomatic slap in the face of our greatest of allies, Israel.”"
Commentary � Blog Archive � How the Guardian Helped Kill the Peace Process
The peace process may have been moribund, but surely, after this weekend’s leak, it is dead. The Guardian has just given it the coup de grace and is now busy taking credit for it.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Largest-Ever Rocket, With Secret Payload, Launched On West Coast « CBS Los Angeles-Video
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE (CBSLosAngeles/AP) — The largest rocket ever launched from the West Coast blasted off Thursday with a classified defense satellite on board.
The 235-foot-tall, 53-foot wide — about 1 and 1/2 times the size of the Statue of Liberty — Delta IV Heavy Launch Vehicle lifted off at 1:10 p.m. carrying a payload for the National Reconnaissance Office.
The booster rose into the sky over California’s central coast and arced over the Pacific Ocean, a spectacle visible over a wide area.
Largest-Ever Rocket, With Secret Payload, Launched On West Coast « CBS Los Angeles
Commentary » Blog Archive » The Fall of Beirut
Lebanon’s Druze leader Walid Jumblatt now says he “supports” Hezbollah and the ghastly regime in Syria that murdered his father and his friend Rafik Hariri. Hezbollah’s fan boys should not kid themselves here. Jumblatt is under duress and is only saying what he must to ensure his own survival and that of his people.
Saad Hariri remains defiant, but Michael Young — the best analyst of Lebanon’s internal politics — thinks he probably won’t return as prime minister. If that’s the case, Lebanon’s Cedar Revolution is well and truly cooked. Beirut is being cleverly reconquered by Damascus and Tehran, and is rejoining, against its will, the Iran-led Resistance Bloc.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Wikileaks: Iranian Rockets Can Reach Israel in 12 Minutes | The Gateway Pundit
New law creates IRS paperwork for rental owners | Washington Examiner
'Under the provision, recipients of rental income from real estate generally are subject to the same information reporting requirements as taxpayers engaged in a trade or business,' the JCT reported.
The new rental reporting requirements would go into effect on Dec. 31 this year and would likely affect millions of property owners, say taxpayer advocates.
'You've got to be kidding me,' said Tom Schatz, president of the watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste, when told about the provision. 'Honestly, it's an outrageous burden for rental owners.'"
The higher penalties called for in the bill, which would apply not just to rental income transactions but any person who files a 1099 form, would take effect on Jan. 1, 2011.
Fines would double for each 1099 form someone fails to send to the IRS, increasing to $60 for individuals and $250 for small businesses.
The maximum fine the IRS could impose overall on small businesses for not sending in the information would double or triple, increasing to as much as $250,000.